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D&T day

We kick started this term with an extra special and very exciting D&T day which was organised by Mr Loveridge. The children were very excited to welcome our special visitor Andy Higgs from Bloodhound SSC (Bloodhound SSC is a British supersonic land vehicle currently in development. Its goal is to match or exceed 1,000 miles per hour achieving a new world land speed record. The pencil-shaped car, powered by a jet engine and a rocket engine is designed to reach 1,050 miles per hour). The children watched a presentation by Andy before showing off their own scientific and creative skills as they worked in teams to design an aerodynamic vehicle and build models from their ideas. The children tested their models by launching them down a ramp in the school hall and measuring the distance it had travelled. The most exciting part of the day had to be when the children were taken into the playground to see a live demonstraton of a model aerodynamic car. The children counted down loudly as the vehicle zoomed across the ground leaving a trail of smoke behind! The event was an overwhelming success with many children and staff members praising the day. There was fantastic questioning from children across the school and Andy, was very impressed with their ideas and work. The children have been buzzing about the day ever since and many have got a new found passion for D&T.

The Echo popped along and joined us for part of the day. Check out their photos here

The children also appear on the Bloodhound website. Click here

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                  59 Ronald Hill Grove, Leigh-On-Sea, Essex, SS9 2JB - 01702 987890
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