Year 5 blog
The Year 5 teachers wanted to send a message to the children. #Year5 #Year5blog

Week 2 Isolation/home school
Week two of lockdown and home schooling as well as our key workers children being in school. We wanted to keep everyone connected and...

Week one - Isolation/home schooling
We have asked parents and carers to help us keep the children connected during this time by sending in photos of what the everyone is...

Netball B Festival
Last week 8 year 5/6 girls attended the netball B festival at Alleyn Court school. Six schools were there, we played Hamstel and won 3-1,...

Science at Westcliff High School for Girls
As part of our celebrations of British Science Week, a group of children from Years 5 and 6 visited Westcliff High School for Girls. They...

Head for the Day
On Friday 7th February, West Leigh Junior School had a new headteacher – for the day! Alex Miller won the school election and fulfilled...

Boys' football team play Thorpedene Primary School
On Friday 7th February, the boys football team travelled to Thorpedene Primary School to play their second league game. The boys put...

West Leigh girls' football team play Chalkwell Park
On Monday 3rd February, the girls’ football team travelled to Chalkwell Park to play in their first league game of the season. In the...

West Ham United Premier League Primary Stars under 11 Girls Football Festival
On Thursday 30th January, the girls’ football team competed in ‘West Ham United Premier League Primary Stars under 11 Girls Football...

Yr 3/4 & 5/6 Sports Hall Athletics
On Wednesday 22nd January, West Leigh competed in both the year 3/4 and year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics, with the year 3/4 tournament in...