Super Sports - Track
On Tuesday 28th June our year 4 girls relay team, year 5 boys relay team and year 6 girls relay team competed in the borough super sports...

Multi Sports Club
We've been having lots of fun in our morning multi-sports club with Years 3, 4 and 5! The children have enjoyed trying out new and...

Super Sports - Field
Athletes from West Leigh Junior School experienced another incredibly successful day in the field events of Super Sports. The children...

SPSSA Tennis Competition
On Friday 13th May, eight pupils took part in the Southend Primary School Sports Association tennis competition at Garon Park. In the...

Tennis Festival 2022
On Wednesday 4th May, West Leigh Junior School held a ‘Mini Tennis Festival’ at Westcliff Lawn Tennis Club. An amazing 110 children from...

Making Rainbows
Our club timetable is now fully up and running and the first session of our new lower school science club started this lunchtime. The...

KS 2 Southend and District Tennis Tournament
On Friday 10th May, eight pupils took part in the ‘Southend and District Tennis Tournament’ at Garon Park. In the morning session, a team...

Portico Football Festival
On Tuesday 2nd April, 20 boys travelled to Hamstel Junior School to play in the Portico Football Festival. The boys were split into two...

Yr 3/4 Tag Rugby competition
On Wednesday 20th March, two,Year 4 Tag Rugby teams played in the year 3/4 Tag Rugby competition at Southend Rugby Club. Our first game...

Red Nose Day
West Leigh saw an array of bright colours and red noses on Friday 15th March when the children dressed in a variety of cheerful and...