Year 3 blog
The teachers are missing the children so much and wanted to send them some video messages #Year3blog #Year3

Week 2 Isolation/home school
Week two of lockdown and home schooling as well as our key workers children being in school. We wanted to keep everyone connected and...

Week one - Isolation/home schooling
We have asked parents and carers to help us keep the children connected during this time by sending in photos of what the everyone is...

Year 3/4 boys' football tourament
On Friday 14th February, the year 3/4 boys’ football team travelled to the Len Forge Centre to compete in the year 3/4 football...

Head for the Day
On Friday 7th February, West Leigh Junior School had a new headteacher – for the day! Alex Miller won the school election and fulfilled...

Yr 3/4 & 5/6 Sports Hall Athletics
On Wednesday 22nd January, West Leigh competed in both the year 3/4 and year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics, with the year 3/4 tournament in...

Crafts at local care home
This half term, a group of children have visited Legra Care Home each week to complete craft activities with the residents. The children...

Inter-generational poppy making afternoon
The school council were invited to take part in an inter-generational poppy making afternoon at West Leigh Baptist Church on Wednesday...

SPSSA Cross Country Tournament
On Wednesday 2nd October, West Leigh took 46 children from across the school to take part in the Southend Primary School Sports...
Harvest Festival
On Friday 11th October, the children donated a variety of tinned and packet foods to our harvest collection which was gratefully received...