Children are given opportunities to develop their leadership skills throughout their time at West Leigh. Years 3 to 6 all have the chance to represent their class as either a school councillor or eco warrior – important jobs which require commitment and dedication. The children elected into these roles are expected to attend regular meetings, take notes, report back to their class and collect their feedback. They play an important role within the school and are often involved in making decisions about school life.
Playground Squad
In Year 5, children are able to volunteer to join our very effective Playground Squad. These children are fully trained by Miss Ling in how to lead play fairly and how to include children in a variety of games. Each day they choose a selection of equipment to put out and they lead different games which any child can join. They are also responsible for setting out the larger items of play equipment in the different zones on the playground and putting it away carefully.
Children interested in being a librarian are invited to apply for this important job in Years 5 and 6. This role involves a weekly duty, keeping the library tidy and organised, checking in and out books on our computer system and running our library reading challenge.
Digital Ambassadors
Every class has a Digital Ambassador. These children meet every fortnight with Mr Boylan and learn all about recent updates to our school’s technology so that they can help support both pupils and teachers when these are used in the classroom.
SLT for the Day
Every other year we hold an election within the school that allows the children to experience a democratic vote. Year 5 children are able to apply to be a part of the school’s senior leadership team for one day. Once the applications are in, a group of children are chosen to run their election campaigns. This involves creating videos, posters and deciding upon their campaign promises! Once the vote is held, via a secret ballot, the ‘SLT’ are chosen and get to run the school for the day. They are kept very busy and have to carry out duties, lead assemblies, answer the phones and much more!