West Leigh's Intra school Cross Country event
We had great fun on Monday afternoon with over 100 children competing in West Leigh's intra-school cross-country event! We hope the...

Eco Toy Swap
On Friday 8th March the West Leigh Junior School Eco Warriors hosted their second Toy Swap and it was another roaring success. At 8.40...

Visit to the Houses of Parliament
On Tuesday 5th March, the School Council visited the Houses of Parliament where they enjoyed a tour of this extraordinary building. They...

Year 5 Writing Workshop
On Tuesday, we welcomed sixth form students from Southend High School for Girls to work with some children from Year 5 as part of a...

Sportshall Athletics Essex Finals
Following their 2nd place finish in the Southend competition, the Year 5/6 Sportshall Atheltivs squad competed in the Essex Finals. There...

The Little Things Rock!
This term's team challenge really did rock! We asked the children to think about the effect that positive and uplifting words can have -...

General Knowledge Quiz Club
Following four weeks of practice sessions, the General Knowledge Quiz Club teams came together this morning to compete in the online area...