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Janelle McCurdy visits Portico

Two schools from the Portico Academy Trust family were treated to a visit from an exciting and inspirational writer on Monday 9th October. Janelle McCurdy, who works not only as a wonderful children’s author but also as a game reviewer, was able to share with the children from both West Leigh Junior School and Porters Grange Primary how she writes her books. Her first book, Mia and the Lightcasters, has been shortlisted for book awards and the second instalment of the trilogy, Mia and the traitor of Nubis, is set to be just as successful. Working as a game reviewer has certainly helped her to access young readers’ imaginations and engage them in her fantasy writing.

She spoke with the children about what life is like as an author, as well as providing an insight into the fantasy adventures that she enjoys writing. Following Q&A sessions with the children, Janelle went on to inspire the children to create their own ‘umbra’: a fantasy animal companion to help in their own adventure stories – the children were enthralled! At the end of the day at Porters Grange, Janelle stayed for a book signing (supported by the wonderful staff at Jacqson Diego – Southend’s Independent Children’s book shop) and was able to speak with the children and their families further.

Inspiring children through the meeting of authors is at the heart of Portico’s aim to help all the pupils develop a love of both reading and writing.


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Ronald Hill Grove, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, SS9 2JB ~ 01702 478593 ~

                  Part of the Portico Academy Trust - opening doors, unlocking potential -
                  59 Ronald Hill Grove, Leigh-On-Sea, Essex, SS9 2JB - 01702 987890
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