Eco Toy Swap
On Friday 10th of March, the Eco Warriors hosted their first Toy Swap and it was nothing short of a resounding success!!!

The excitement and energy was palpable and all day there was a buzz of anticipation. As we opened the doors to a hoard of 'swappers' at 8.40 am, it was clear that the event was going to be well-stocked and worth participation. The quality of the toys, games, books and puzzles were amazing – it was a mixture of Christmas morning and the toy floor at Harrods!! The Warriors demonstrated superb organisational and collaborative skills, collecting the swaps, exchanging them for tokens and answering questions about how the swap would work. Many gave up part of their lunch time to organise, sort and display the swaps with care, ensuring that a wide range were kept back for the classes timetabled later in the afternoon.
During the afternoon they worked tirelessly, collecting tokens and trying to match their friends and fellow students with a suitable swap. What was particularly impressive was the kindness of so many of the children who not only made a swap for themselves but also for their siblings and friends. As the final class took their leave, what was left (and it was minimal) was shared between the classes’ wet play boxes, playground equipment and year group bookshelves, ensuring no waste was generated – a true eco-friendly event!
The Warriors would like to say a huge thank you for the generosity shown by both the children and parents of WLJS and are keen to host another Toy Swap soon.