Year 5 visit Anglo Saxons village

As part of our work on the Anglo Saxons this term, Year 5 visited West Stow near Bury St.Edmund’s on Wednesday the 25th of May. The children spent the day visiting the replica huts to learn about the culture, the construction of the buildings and their various uses. The people at West Stow had built many replicas of the various buildings, such as the Great Hall which was used for meetings and feasts, the workshop, the sunken house and various family dwellings. The huts were built based on the archaeologist evidence found on the site, which meant that the children were actually stepping in the same footsteps as the Anglo Saxons were over 1500 years ago! Some children took the time to sketch some of the huts in preparation for their work next half term when they will be constructing their own model of an Anglo Saxon hut. Throughout their time exploring the village, they were dressed up in traditional clothing from that period. They also had the opportunity to visit the Anglo Saxon Museum which displayed some amazing artefacts found on this site and other local sites. They ranged from items of jewellery and cooking ware to clothing items and weaponry. They were allowed to explore at their leisure whilst learning about the various finds and their uses. The highlight for some of the children was getting to see the chickens and pigs which were kept next to the village! There was also an opportunity to visit the shop to purchase a small memento of the day. Despite the long journey and cold weather for the time of year, the children really enjoyed their day and learned so much from the experience.