At West Leigh Junior School, we provide a high quality P.E. and sport provision throughout the curriculum and extra-curricular activities. We aim for all children to become physically confident and develop an understanding of how to live a healthy and active lifestyle. Children participate in a range of inter and intra school competitions with British Values and Olympic Values embedded within these.
We use the Sports Premium money, as portrayed in the document below, wisely to ensure that every child benefits and has the opportunities stated above.
Sports Premium Expenditure 2023-24
Part of this funding allows us to subscribe to support from the Southend School Sports Partnership. This includes allowing our staff and students to benefit from additional festivals and sports competitions, access to a range of CPD and training opportunities and opportunities for staff to meet with other schools to discuss the best practice in the area. This is especially important to ensure the funding has a lasting impact on up-skilling our teachers in our school.
At West Leigh Junior School, each child is taught a half hour swimming lesson once a week throughout term time.
Clubs and Competitions
We are committed to ensuring that as many children as possible are participating in extra-curricular sporting
activities and competitions. To improve the amount of children participating in competitions we are holding a variety
of festivals, across the academy and local area, including football.
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 the percentages for children participating in sports clubs and representing the school in a sporting capacity are lower than intended. Sporting competitions and clubs were not accessible during the 2019-20 and 2020-21 academic years, which has affected the participation figures of our Year 5 and 6 children. We are confident that these figures will increase now that sporting clubs and competitions are available to schools once again.