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Safer Internet Day

On Tuesday, the children participated in this year’s Safer Internet Day. They explored a range of issues around the theme ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’. As part of the day, the children explored their digital footprint and how they can take ownership of it through safe and responsible actions online.

A highlight of the morning was taking part in a BBC live lesson. The programme came from the National Videogame Museum in Sheffield and explored some of the worries children have alongside some practical tips for staying safe online. These included knowing when, where and how to seek support both at school and at home. The children also learnt the importance of keeping personal information private.

In the afternoon, children in each year group took the idea of conversations online in different ways. In Year 3, they looked at a traditional fairy tale and how it could be adapted to spread a message about staying safe online. Year 4 shared their experiences about life online, their worries and the strategies they follow to keep themselves safe. They recorded short video clips ready to be uploaded to the Safer Internet day video wall.

As part of the mixed afternoon in Year 5, the children completed a range of activities including an online safety rap, comparing exercise in the real world verses time spent in a virtual world. Year 6 took the school’s online safety policy to explore how they could create a child-friendly version.

All in all, this fact-filled day focused on a safer internet was well-received and the children demonstrated a great understanding of what they should do to stay safe online. Should you want further tips for conversations about life online at home then you can get further information at:


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