On Tuesday 6th June, 116 Year 3 children arrived at school with a mass of suitcases and were full of excitement ready for their two-day residential at Danbury Essex Outdoors. Upon arrival, the children were sorted into their tents before the afternoon activities commenced.
Some children conquered the knee-wobbling heights of the aerial trekking, some learnt the art of lighting fires in bush craft and some children zoomed along the zip wire.
After they had tucked into a very tasty dinner, the children had some time to organise their tents and play on the field. As the evening drew in, we gathered around the campfire for a sing song, a few stories and a biscuit before settling the children for the night ahead. They all clambered into their tents full of excitement for the next day’s activities and eventually… the camp was quiet.
On Wednesday morning, the camp woke nice and early! After breakfast, the children were greeted by their instructors for two more thrilling activities. Some children climbed their way to the top of the Vertical Challenge while others developed their team-work skills on the obstacle course and low ropes. Following a hearty lunch, the children retuned to the coaches and headed back to school – rather tired!
During their time at Danbury, all 116 children showed great determination, acceptance of adventure and great improvement with team-work throughout all the activities in which they had participated. The staff were extremely proud to see the children thrive in the outdoors, tackle their fears and improve on every attempt with each challenge they faced, especially on the high activities. It was also encouraging to see the children build friendships among their peers.